Roger Pielke, Jr., sized up by Gavin Schmidt (or more appropriately, "downsized" literally and figuratively)

Thanks to Gavin Schmidt for calling out Pielke, Jr., for what he is:

Comment #7: Jim Bouldin says:

RPjr: “The surface temps matter because they are a key basis for estimates of climate sensitivity in the models used to make projections.”


Careful Eric, Roger will add you to his list of lying RealClimate “science politicizers”. Just do science, don’t speak up about it. Remember, political scientists can expound on climate science (without even getting the facts right!), but climate scientists should never “pathologize” science by “politicizing” (i.e. talking about) it.

[Response: Lil'Roger is engaged in a deligitimizing exercise which is designed to leave him as the only credible voice on climate science. The idea that we are the cause of the politicisation of climate science, or that answering questions about the science when it is misrepresented is making things worse, is ludicrous. He can only make those arguments by misrepresenting statements by us and others (hence the recent spate of baseless accusations of dishonesty, theft, plagirism and the like). By attempting to elbow out other mainstream voices he aims to be the middle-of-the-road academic that is supposed to be the voice of sense. This strategy is however very transparent, and judging from the commentaters on his blog, is only convincing to the denialist fringe. He is welcome to them. -gavin]