This piece is from the web sitemounted by the developers. The principalis a person I have known for thirty years. The next phase for this product is to get it up on an open site were youand I can learn to play with it.
We can treat the present class ofsearch engines as first generation systems. There were earlier badly limited systems before the advent of Google butgoogle was the first that actually was seriously useful. That was about fifteen years ago.
As an aside, the advent of googleimmediately made me aware of the need to create an online presence to use thenew internet email systems and to locate myself uniquely. I played around with various spellingvariations of my name and came up with several prospective versions. I discovered on googling Arclein that theonly hit was a seventeenth century monk. That was perfect for my needs. Today google gave me over 50,000 hits, effectively still mostly relatedto my blog and myself.
This is a working secondgeneration search engine and overcomes the principal difficulty with google andsimilar applications. It appears able tosort out a context driven subset from the internet universe and is in theprocess is able to tackle complex queries. Google is great at short simple queries but retards quickly ascomplexity rises.
Hopefully we will see this inlaunch mode rather soon.
The Correlation Search Engine
Frequently Asked Questions
Who are you people? How big are you? Where are you located? What is thecompany’s history?
Correlation Concepts is a virtual company - the Florida ,USA-based research, development and sales services arm of Make Sence, Inc.,which has core personnel based both in the US and internationally. Although top level research, productarchitecture and sales strategy is executed only by key employees, we work withindependent contractors and other corporations that provide us with all other requiredprofessional services.
While research in the technology has been on-going for more than 15years, the initial software development was started almost 10 years ago, andactive commercialization of the technology began in 2002.
What is a Correlation? What are N-Dimensional Queries? Is this just adifferent type of Search with new algorithms?
N-Dimensional Search supports those queries which are more complex andless obvious - queries that are closer to "real life humanquestions". For example, compare a typical search query, “pizza, Omaha ” to an NDimensionalSearch Query: "Order 1234", "product shortages","shipping point", "manufacturing location".
Correlation Technology and the Correlation Search Engine (CSE) utilize“correlations” which are massive networks of associated ”knowledge fragments”to “connect the dots” and establish relationships between terms, phrases,concepts or topics. The CSE – unlike anyother search engine - works by analyzing the networks of knowledge fragments toidentify the documents that made the most valuable contributions to the network– because those are the documents most relevant to the query. The CSE – unlikeother search engines – does not use any similarity metric, link analysis,popularity (e.g.,” everything celebrity”), or binary logic. The CSE – unlikeother search engines – delivers results that mirror the asymmetry that existsin real world data. When the CSEconnects the dots, the results make intuitive sense: enter "green tea", "lifequality", "metastasize" and the CSE produces results relating tocancer; enter "cash","terrorist", "charities" and the CSE produces results relating tomoney-laundering.
Is the CSE a Semantic Web solution?
No. Rather than trying totranslate human expressions into sterileconstructs to provide improved machine comprehension, the CSE extracts“knowledge fragments” from unstructuredhuman expression and seeks to use the machine to deliver an automatedapproximation of intuitive humancomprehension. Can I test the Correlation Search Engine against the openInternet?
Yes, but we are limiting tests to several "slices" of theInternet that we have pre-loaded on to our systems. Is the CSE intended forgeneral consumer use or is the CSE an Enterprise solution?
Both. We will be launching anadvertising-based Internet Search Engine to provide consumer access toN-Dimensional Search .Our research shows that N-Dimensional Queries equate to15-16% of all Search Engine queries - queries which are often unfulfilled andabandoned today. Metrics indicate that thesequeries would be among the most highly valued queries from an advertisingstandpoint, so we anticipate both significant consumer surplus as well asactive advertiser participation. The Enterprise model of theCSE will support N-Dimensional Search mining knowledge fragments from corporatedigital assets. The Enterprise CSE will also be adapted for use as a KCE (Knowledge Correlation Engine) byincorporating a specialization layer to exploit specific vertical market needs(e.g., SOX, ANTI-MONEY LAUNDERING, RISK MANAGEMENT, etc.).
Are you selling the Correlation Search Engine directly or throughdistributors?
Anyone wishing to explore the uses of the platformfor any particular
domain is encouraged to contact us directly"
How many customers do you have? Who are your partners? Is the CSE software ready now?
We are preparing for the first general release of the CSE Enterprise Edition withinthe next six weeks.
Beyond direct entry as an N-Dimensional Search Engine provider, we areworking with specific leaders in specialized Vertical Markets such as SOX, AML,Risk Management, etc.
Who can I talk to about Correlation Technology?
Carl Wimmer and Mark Bobick from Correlation Concepts are available toanswer all your questions. Call CarlWimmer at 702 767-7001 and Mark Bobick at 702 882-5664.
Contact: Mark Bobick Copyright 2008 Make Sence Florida,Inc. All Rights Reserved
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