Egyptian Outcomes

Every one who reads this itemneeds to remember one thing.  The Nazisgot elected into power.

They showed everyone how to doit.

Underlying Islamicism is anabsolutist mindset that applies intimidation as its modis operandi.  Everything else is expected to submit to thisand rights and laws are mere inconveniences.

The next president will have tocome to grips with this real enemy.  Itis not Al Queda at all.  That is merely aside show a bit like the SS and the Brown Shirts.  It is conspiracy based on a common playbookthat allows individuals to form their own petty action cells that outrightpursue the domination aims of the Umma or the party.

It starts with teachers who donot instill patriotism and liberal values in madrasas.

The situation in Egypt is scarybut not lost yet.  Obama’s contributionis plausibly irrelevant to not say amateurish. There will be a successor government. That government may immediately suppress the Brotherhood as a currentthreat while setting up a revolving two party system.  More likely they will allow a lot of partiesto be formed dispersing the democratic impulse of the people.  This happened in a lot of places, including Israel.

A worst case scenario includesIslamicists seizing power and immediately promoting a war with Israel.

The best case scenario is acentrist government that frees the rising middle class to rebuild the countryinto an economic powerhouse with the Islamicists steadily diminished.

Who Will Shape Obama’s Policy on Egypt?

Posted by Ryan Mauro on Feb 9th, 2011 and filedunder Daily MailerFrontPage. You can follow any responsesto this entry through theRSS2.0. You can skip to the end and leave a response. Pinging is currently notallowed.

Ryan Mauro is the founder of, the NationalSecurity Adviser for the Christian Action Network and an analystwith Wikistrat. He can be contacted at

The almost certain to face an Egyptian government under the influence of theMuslim Brotherhood sometime this year. The Brotherhood and its apologists havelong tried to influence the White House and will try to convince the media andthe Obama administration that the Islamist group is moderate. And if theadministration’s relationship with the Brotherhood’s allies is any indication,they’ll succeed.

The Obama Administration has signaled its acceptance of the Brotherhoodin the next Egyptian government, with the State Department spokesman saying thegroup is “a fact of life in Egypt.” A secret meeting between a U.S.representative and the Brotherhood has been reported, though anycommunication has been denied. President Obama downplayed the threat from theMuslim Brotherhood in an interview with Bill O’Reilly on Sunday.

“I think that the Muslim Brotherhood is one faction in Egypt.They don’t have majority support in Egypt, but they are well-organizedand there are strains of their ideology that are anti-U.S., there is no doubtabout it,” he said.

The unrest and future change in government in Egypt will require an overhaul of U.S.policy towards the country, which will be shaped by whose advice PresidentObama listens to. According to Steve Emerson, the executive director of theInvestigative Project on Terrorism,the administration has extensive relations with groups and leaders tied to theMuslim Brotherhood.

“The Obama Administration has opened its doors to Muslim Brotherhoodlegacy groups such as the Council on American-Islamic Relations, the Muslim PublicAffairs Council, the Islamic Society of North America and other Islamicleaders who come from Muslim Brotherhood backgrounds,” Emerson told FrontPage.

Even before Obama came into office, he was choosing advisers withrelationships to Brotherhood front groups. The director of his presidentialcampaign’s outreach to the Muslim community, Mazen Asbahi, resigned afterhe was criticized for frequently speaking for groups like those mentioned byEmerson and serving on the board of a trust alongside an imam tied to theBrotherhood and Hamas. In the first month of becoming President, Obama selected Ingrid Mattson, thepresident of the Islamic Society of North America(ISNA), totake part in the inaugural prayer services. The federal government hasdesignated ISNA as an “unindicted co-conspirator” in the HolyLand Foundation trial, and the Brotherhood’s internal documents identify itas one of its fronts.

Obama’s chief terrorism advisor, John Brennan, spoke alongsideMattson at New York University despite this designation.The senior advisor and assistant to the president, Valerie Jarrett, was the keynotespeaker at ISNA’s 46th convention in July 2009.

President Obama chose RashadHussain to be his special envoy to theOrganizationof the Islamic Conference. He has long been a featured speaker atconferences byBrotherhood-tied groups in the U.S.,and although he has condemned Hamas, he has called on the U.S. to build aMuslim coalition that is “not limited to those who advocate Western-styledemocracy, and avoid creating a dichotomy between freedom and Islamic society.”He has spoken forISNA since being appointed, and has shared thestage with officials from the Council on American-Islamic Relations (CAIR),another Brotherhood-tied group that has been listed as an “unindictedco-conspirator” in the Holy Land Foundation trial.

One of the members of the President’s Advisory Council on Faith-Basedand Neighborhood Partnerships is DaliaMogahed. She has been described asthe “most influential person” in crafting Obama’s speech in Cairo to the Muslim world. She is a closecolleague of JohnEsposito, perhaps the Brotherhood’s most prestigious apologist inthe U.S.He gave expert testimony on behalf of the Holy LandFoundation during its trial and is a vocal defender of CAIR, ISNA and the otherorganizations tied to the Brotherhood.

Mogahed and Esposito worked together at the Gallup Center for MuslimStudies, where they produced a poll alleging that only 7 percent of Muslimsaround the world are radicalized and that their extremism derives from feelingthreatened by U.S. foreign policy. A closerlook at the survey shows that about 36 percent felt the9/11 attacks were fully or partially justified. Like Esposito, she hasdefended CAIR and ISNA, saying “thereis a concerted effort to silence, you know, institution-building among Muslims.And the way to do it is [to] malign these groups. And it’s kind of a witchhunt.”

In June 2009, Secretary of State Hilary Clinton invited Esam Omeish,who describes the Brotherhood as “moderate,” to take part in a conferencecallfollowing President Obama’s speech to the Muslim world in Cairo. Omeish sits on the board of directorsof the extremistDar al-Hijrah mosque, which is closely connected to the MuslimBrotherhood and Hamas. Omeish used to be the president of the MuslimAmerican Society, another Brotherhood front group. He has been recordedpraising Palestinians that understand “that the jihad way is the way toliberate your land” and in 2004, he referred tothe founder of Hamas as “our beloved Sheikh Ahmed Yassin.”

Officials have met withthe Muslim Public Affairs Council (MPAC) onat least two dozen occasions, including Attorney General Eric Holder, theassistant director in charge of the FBI, and Secretary of Homeland SecurityJanet Napolitano. From January 27 to 28, 2010, leaders from ISNA, the MuslimAmerican Society and MPAC met withNapolitano and other officials to be briefed on the agency’scounter-radicalization and counter-terrorism efforts.

MPAC has published a paper calling forthe removal of Hamas, Hezbollah and Palestinian Islamic Jihad from the StateDepartment’s list of Foreign Terrorist Organizations and its executivedirector, Salamal-Marayati, told the Arab press about “Islamophobia in the Americangovernment,” which is responsible for “spreading fear of Islam and distributingmisleading generalizations against American Islamic organizations.”

The influence of Brotherhood groups in the government even extends tothe FBI and military. An official from ISNA was asked tolecture U.S. troops at Fort Hoodabout Islam after the terrorist shooting took place. The FBI has also heldmeetings with top ISNA officials and is engaging theorganization as part of its outreach to the Muslim community. Shockingly, thedecision to use the ISNA came after the FBI decided to end its relationshipwith CAIR because of concerns over the organization’s ties to Hamas and designation asan “unindicted co-conspirator”—the same label applied to ISNA from the sametrial.

A known member of the Muslim Brotherhood, Kifah Mustapha, was even given asix-week tour last year of FBI facilities including the National Counterterrorism Center and a trainingcompound. Documents from the Holy Land trial show that he is a member of theBrotherhood’s secret “Palestine Committee” thatset up organizations in the support Hamas. A news report said he“pushed agents to fully explain everything from the bureau’s use of deadlyforce policy to racial and ethnic profiling.” The FBI says he had no access tosensitive information, but this incident shows how successful the Brotherhoodhas been in gaining access to the government.

The Muslim Brotherhood is going to work hard to pervert the West’sperception of its agenda. It will pose as a genuinely democratic group thatopposes terrorism. Its opposition to U.S. foreign policy will beexplained as a genuine representation of Muslim public opinion, ratherthan part of a long-term jihad. Their success will require having apologists inplace in the government, academia and media to act as their publicists. Andthose publicists include some of the Obama administration’s senior officialsand Muslim outreach partners.