Freedom of Information (FOIA) Requests for Patrick Michaels, Fred Singer, Roy Spencer, John Christy, Willie Soon, Sallie Baliunas, David Legates

Freedom of Information Requests

by admin,, December 16, 2009

Today we sent Freedom of Information (FOIA) requests to the home institutions of several prominent global warming skeptics.  The request letters were sent to various state governors’ offices and state universities, as well as to the Smithsonian Institute, seeking information on scientists who are employees or former employees of these institutions.

The FOIA filings request a listing of all grants in support of research, copies of conflict of interest and outside income disclosures, copies of all email sent and received, and copies of CVs on file with the institutions.

Several of these individuals have been very vocal commentators over the past month in response to the story of the stolen or hacked email from the Climate Research Unit of the University of East Anglia.  Other individuals are the subject of emails within the stolen CRU cache.

We at PolluterWatch believe in transparency and freedom of information and think it is only fair that the public get an equal viewing of the email from the other side of the coin.

The FOIA requests were sent to: